Saved Credit Cards Control Overview

As of 7.5.2, this control replaces the Manage Credit Card control.

As of 7.5.2, the Saved Credit Card control allows web users to manage their save credit cards on the web. Back office staff can also manage a constituent's credit cards in CRM360®. For more information, please see Managing a Constituent's Credit Card Information in CRM360.

To see a video demonstration of how the Saved Credit Cards control works on the web, please see Video Demo: Working with Multiple Saved Credit Cards on the Web.

For more information on the web settings for this control, please see Configuring the Web Settings for Saved Credit Card Control.

Customer Impact

After setting up the Saved Credit Card control, your web user will see the control similar to the one displayed below. Please note that this list does NOT include cards used to pay past orders that have no pending payments or auto-renew if the credit card does not exist in Cus_Credit_Card (which are the saved credit cards). Additionally, this list will NOT display credits cards that are more than two years expired. Cards are sorted based on the date that they were used (that has been saved AND is not expired), in descending order (most recently used cards on top). This gives web users the card that is most top-of-mind; less-used cards will fall to the bottom of the list and will eventually be suppressed if their expiration dates are not kept current.

When a group manager drills into someone's record from a roster (e.g., they are managing employees, a committee, or chapter), the group manager will NOT see someone else's saved credit cards.

From this control, web users can perform the following:

·            Edit a saved credit card billing address

·            Update a saved credit card

·            Remove a saved credit card

·            Replace a saved credit card

·            Add a new credit card

Editing a Credit Card Billing Address

The credit card billing address displays to the right of each saved credit card. If necessary, the web user can click the Edit link to edit the billing address on the credit card, as shown below.


Clicking the Edit link opens the Edit Address window, as shown below.

Updating a Credit Card

Each saved credit card displays the option for the web user to update the card. The only information that can be updated on a credit card is:

·            Name on Card

·            Expiration Date

·            Security Code


For example, if a credit card is reissued because the card has expired, the web customer can log into their account on the web and update the expiration date on the saved card.

If the web user needs to change the credit card number, he/she must replace the card. For example, if a credit card is lost or stolen, the bank might issue a replacement card with a new number. Alternatively, the web customer could simply remove the card and add a new card. However, if the card is linked to future payments, the Remove link will be disabled and the web customer would need to either replace the card or contact your organization for more information.

Users can update their credit cards up to two years before they are no longer displayed.

When the web user clicks Update, the Update Card Details section expands below the saved credit card, as shown below.


Expired credit cards are clearly marked, as shown below. Web users can update the expiration date on an expired credit card by clicking Update. Alternatively, the web user can remove the expired credit card.

Replacing a Credit Card

If a credit card is lost or stolen and the bank might issues a replacement card with a new number, the web customer must replace the saved card in order to update the credit card number. To do so, the web user must click Update and then click Replace Card, as shown below. Doing so will clear all of the fields in the Update Card Details section.

When the web user places his/her cursor in the Credit Card Number field, a message displays notifying the web user that the new information provided will update payments that he/she has scheduled for the future (if any). Please note that this message is configurable in the web settings of this control.

Removing a Credit Card

If necessary, web users can remove a saved credit card. For credit cards that are linked to future payments (e.g., payment schedules, etc.), web user do NOT have the option to remove the card. If that is the case, the Remove option will be disabled and two messages will display below the card, as shown below. Please note that these message are defined in the web settings for this control.

Adding a New Credit Card

If desired, web users can add a new credit card to their record on the web by clicking Add a New Card, as shown below. The address information defaults to the web users' primary address, but they can change it of necessary.

Cards re-entered "from scratch" will be recognized as a duplicate and will update CUS_CREDIT_CARD_PROFILE.